‘Get the popcorn ready’ for the Barilaro versus McCormack ‘rumble’

حوالي ٤ سنوات فى theaustralian

Sky News host Chris Kenny says now is the time to “get your popcorn ready” as a feud is brewing within the Nationals, which will see Michael McCormack and John Barilaro “rumble across the Great Dividing Range”. On Tuesday the NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro had unleashed an extraordinary attack on Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack blaming him for his decision not to run for a federal seat in Eden Monaro. Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell has obtained an explosive text exchange between the two men in which Mr Barilaro says McCormack was “threatened” by his plans to run for federal politics. The revelations will rock an already unstable McCormack Nationals leadership which was the subject of an unsuccessful challenge by former leader Barnaby Joyce. Mr Kenny said the exchange was “extraordinary stuff”. “Just remember this is the NSW Nationals’ leader messaging the federal Nationals’ leader, this is the NSW deputy premier texting the deputy prime minister”. “You've got to feel sorry for Scott Morrison, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your Coalition partners,” Mr Kenny said. Image: News Corp Australia

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