Unlike ‘preachy Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’ vegetarians ‘do what they say’

about 4 years in couriermail

Sky News host Rita Panahi says unlike the Prince Harrys and Meghan Markles of the world, who engage in acts of "virtue signalling" by saying one thing and then doing another, "at least with vegetarians and vegans, they do what they say".

"I'm very tolerant of vegetarians and vegans," Ms Panahi said.

"I don't like the preachy ones who have become all strident and want to shame those who don't do what they do".

"But, on the whole I think at least they're doing what they preach".

"At least with vegetarians and vegans, they do that they say".

"They make that personal sacrifice and for me, it would be so hard".

Image: AP

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