‘Unlike Turnbull and Rudd’ Scott Morrison ‘learns from his mistakes’

about 4 years in cairnspost

The Australian's Dennis Shanahan says Prime Minister Scott Morrison has "rocketed away" in the latest Newspoll and has demonstrated that "unlike Malcolm Turnbull, and to an extent Kevin Rudd, he learns from his mistakes".

Mr Morrison has recorded the highest approval rating of any prime minister since 2008 with a 68 per cent satisfaction score according to the latest Newspoll figures.

Prime Minister Morrison is leading Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese as better prime minister 56-to-28, while the two-party-preferred vote is even at 50-50.

"I think, obviously, Scott Morrison personally has rocketed away ... he's very close to a record high satisfaction rating for a prime minister," Mr Shanahan told Sky News host Rowan Dean.

He said the prime minister had been "damaged personally" during the December bushfire crisis and had lost "a lot of satisfaction with voters".

However, "what he has demonstrated, that unlike Malcolm Turnbull, and to an extent Kevin Rudd, he learns from his mistakes".

"And he was not going to repeat any of the errors that he made during the bushfire season".

Image: News Corp Australia

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