Authorities ‘enjoy extraordinary pandemic powers’ far too much

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Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Australian politicians seems to be enjoying the “extraordinary powers” they have gained during the coronavirus pandemic “far too much”.

“We were told a month ago we had to stay shut in our homes because up to 150,000 Australians would die from the coronavirus and instead just 63 of us have so far died," Mr Bolt said.

Mr Bolt said, “the curve is now as flat as a pancake and for days we've had just 50 infections or even less”.

“Haven't we already achieved everything the government and the state premiers said was the excuse for locking us in our homes and for declaring this virtual police state?”

“What exactly is the sign of success that the Government wants to see before these stay-home laws can be eased?”

Mr Bolt said when he interviewed the Health Minister Greg Hunt this week, the Minister “repeatedly refused to say what the government was waiting for”.

“Shouldn't we all know what the government is aiming for, and debate the costs and benefits of that target?” Mr Bolt said.

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