Continued funding of the World Health Organisation must be coupled with ‘dramatic reform’

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Liberal MP Dave Sharma says Australia should "condition continued support of the WHO upon some much needed reforms”.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has berated the World Health Organisation after it supported China in its decision to re-open wet markets.

While Australia is due to give the WHO 16 million in funding in 2021.

Mr Sharma said he expected to United States to seek “dramatic reforms” in the WHO and added “it is in our interest” to follow suit and push for change alongside America.

The WHO has been criticised for its response to the coronavirus health crisis from its early decision to stall on declaring the disease a global pandemic to the praise it has lavished upon China despite the communist party's initial cover-up of the outbreak.

The WHO's “performance has left a lot to be desired,” he told Sky News host Peter Gleeson.

“We need to make sure that it’s better equipped to deal with the next one because it will happen again,” Mr Sharma said.

Image: Associated Press

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