PM’s ‘Santa Claus’ complex manifests in mercy flights and luxury hotel quarantine

over 4 years in cairnspost

Australians who have chosen to travel overseas in the past month despite being warned against such actions by Scott Morrison “should be whacked” with the flight and hotel bills, according to Sky News contributor Prue Macsween.

Thousands of Australians stranded overseas continue to return home on mercy flights one month the nation's travel ban was lifted to its highest level and people were told to travel home immediately.

Almost 14,000 people have now entered hotel quarantine since the tough border controls were enforced and 16,000 people chose to head overseas against the travel recommendations of the prime minister.

Ms MacSween said the government should not be treated like “Santa Claus” and continue to “fork out money”.

“These people defied advice from the government,” she told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

They clearly didn’t care “about losing their lives or becoming a danger to the community”.

Image: Getty

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