NSW seeks to ‘lift restrictions’ in a way which is ‘safe for our people’ Treasurer

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NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet says given the government is looking to quadruple the state’s ICU capacity, it provides “the capacity to lift some of those restircitions” on businesses, gatherings, and social distancing.

The Treasurer said the NSW government is looking at where the opportunities to wind back regulations exist, and “where we can loosen some of those provisions”.

New South Wales now has just over 2,800 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and have recently reached the target of doubling the state’s ICU capacity which will allow the health system to more adequately deal with the crisis.

Mr Perrottet told Sky News host Chris Kenny his government, including the premier will be assessing the duration of social restrictions on a “month by month basis”.

“Where we can, we will seek to lift those restrictions in a way that is safe for our people”.

Image: Getty

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