Report set to blame Syria chemical attacks on Bashar al Assad

over 4 years in The guardian

Watchdog to release first report blaming president for attacks during the conflict
The UN’s chemical weapons watchdog is expected to release its first report explicitly blaming Bashar al-Assad for sarin and chlorine gas attacks on civilians in Syria as efforts to establish accountability for the use of chemical agents in the nine-year-old conflict gain momentum.
Observers anticipate that the report by a new unit at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will be published on Wednesday, the second anniversary of a major chlorine attack on the then rebel-held Damascus suburb of Douma that killed at least 85 people. The report focuses on the Douma incident as well as sarin attacks on the villages of al-Lataminah and Khan Sheikhun in 2017, the latter of which also caused dozens of casualties. Continue reading...

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