Public servants ‘including the ABC’ should take a 10 per cent pay cut now

about 4 years in cairnspost

Broadcaster Kel Richards says everyone who is on taxpayers' dollars should take a 10 per cent pay cut in a move which would include "our colleagues at the ABC" as thousands of businesses close due to recent government coronavirus health measures.

It comes as Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has put a freeze on a proposed public servant pay rise which was set to come into effect in the state later this year.

Over 200,000 public servants in Queensland were set to receive the wage rise in the state.

"I don't think a pay freeze will go down well with Morrison's quiet Australians," Mr Richards told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

He said, "simply a 10 per cent across the board pay cut for every public servant, every MP, state and federal, across Australia" should be considered right now.

"If everyone got the same 10 per cent pay cut, how could anyone protest about that?"

"And then we would feel they are pulling their weight, they're part of this, they're feeling some of the pain".

Put simply, "everyone who is on taxpayers' dollars, that means our colleagues at the ABC, everyone (should be) on a 10 per cent pay cut".

Image: News Corp Australia

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