Australia’s youth are ‘complacent’ towards COVID 19 because of mixed messaging

about 4 years in news

Owen Media Relations’ Michael Owen says it is understandable young Australians have become “a little bit complacent” towards social distancing given the mixed messaging on the effects of the coronavirus.

The Daily Telegraph is reporting Australia’s youth “reckless revellers who tried to sidestep the closure of pubs and clubs” by throwing house parties instead, have “forced the government to place a ban on private gatherings”.

Following a meeting of the National Cabinet on Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Scott Morrison urged all Australians to “stay home unless absolutely necessary to go out” while placing further restrictions on outdoor gatherings.

Mr Owen told Sky News host Peter Gleeson the mixed messaging about the severity of the disease, and then the draconian restrictions recently put in place “is part of the problem”.

“Especially when the messaging on this early on was the majority of people are only going to have mild symptoms”.

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