‘The mood had changed’ in Australia since coronavirus business closures

about 4 years in cairnspost

Sky News host Paul Murray says "you can feel that the mood has changed" within Australia in the past 24 hours following widespread business closures due to the threat of the deadly coronavirus.

A raft of Australian businesses have been forced to close from midday on Monday as part of drastic new measures to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Pubs, clubs, gyms, cinemas, casinos and churches will all be forced to close, while restaurants and cafes will be restricted to take-away and home delivery options only.

The move has forced many workers into welfare, with thousands queuing outside Centrelink offices across the country after the government’s MyGov website crashed due to high demand.

"To see thousands of people lining up out the front of those suburban Centrelink centres is really confronting," Mr Murray said.

"We haven't seen something like that in Australia for a very, very long time".

Image: Getty

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