Vic police to enforce social distancing rules

about 4 years in themercury

Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews has established a 500-strong coronavirus police task force to enforce social distancing rules.

As of midday on Monday, all non-essential businesses will be forced to shut down and by Tuesday, schools will be pupil-free in an attempt to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Premier Andrews said the task force was created due to Victorians who were “acting selfishly” amid the crisis.

“They are doing the wrong thing and if that continues, then people will die. It is easy to do the right thing for your family and for people that you have never met,” he said.

“That is why today I’m joined by the chief commissioner and I can also announce that Victoria Police have allocated 500 police members to a special task force that is all about enforcing the coronavirus rules that have been put in place.

“In some respects, it is disappointing that it has come to this but we have seen people on beaches in Sydney, we could just as easily have seen people in bars and cafes and restaurants and nightclubs here in Melbourne and right across Victoria.”

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