Green lawfare is ‘destructive for families, the economy and democracy’

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One Nation leader Mark Latham says “the government has too much tolerance for outfits that stand in the way of the average family having a good secure job and putting food and money on the table”.

The Australian reported “the Shire of Broome is calling on Scott Morrison to crack down on activist charities that are 'destroying existing industries' and blocking job-creating resources projects in Western Australia”.

Mr Latham said tolerance of “these groups and green tape” has had a negative impact on the economy.

“In NSW we have an outfit called the independent planning commission that broke the law in its regulation of mining projects because of climate concerns on the other side of the world,” Mr Latham told Sky News host Paul Murray.

Sky News host Garry Hardgrave said “the inculcation of the green left into the Queensland government is almost complete”.

Mr Hardgrave said “they can’t even run this local government election properly” because the green groups are limiting the printing required for postal votes.

“You can’t get water projects, you can’t get road projects, you can’t get approval for quarries, you can’t get approval for anything,” he said.

Image: Associated Press

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