Australians must ‘be careful, respectful and take responsibility’ over coronavirus fears

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Sky News host Peter Gleeson says while the public are “justifiably anxious” about the deadly coronavirus, it is up to each Australian to “protect ourselves … (and) take personal responsibility for you and your families’ wellbeing”.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has conducted meetings with senior government members as he seeks to finalise details on a second round of coronavirus stimulus.

It comes just four days following the announcement of the government’s $17.6 billion stimulus package, which the Coalition had hoped would stem a recession.

“There is only a certain amount of regulation that governments can apply,” Mr Gleeson said.

“If you suspect you're a possible carrier of the virus, for goodness sake get checked and self-isolate”.

“This is the time to be careful, respect your fellow Australians”.

Image: Getty

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