ABC ‘using taxpayer funding to run political vendettas’

over 4 years in theaustralian

Sky News host Chris Kenny says the ABC has gone and “done it again,” this time producing more “taxpayer funded fake news,” relating to One Nation leader Pauline Hanson. “The ABC Fact Check you see is not so much interested in the facts as the ideology or the opinions it wants to support,” Mr Kenny said. “This time they tested this statement made by Pauline Hanson in the Senate,” he said. Ms Hanson spoke of statistical figures relating to the number of transgender children in the nation during her address. “Hanson has done nothing more than cite the census figures, according to the 2016 census, she said, there were 57 children identified as transgender”. “What she said was 100 per cent accurate, and the ABC/RMIT fact check said she was wrong”. “The ABC is out of control … this is your tax dollars being used to run biased political campaigns and vendettas, misleading the public and distorting public debate”. Image: Getty

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