Sinn Fein Party Leader Says Her Children’s School Closed Due to First Coronavirus Case in Ireland

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The leader of the Sinn Fein political party, Mary Lou McDonald, posted footage on March 2 in which she said her children’s school had been closed because of the first confirmed case of the new coronavirus in Ireland. Ireland’s Health Service Executive confirmed on Sunday that a person has tested positive for the virus in the east of the country and that a secondary school had been closed for the 14-day incubation period. It was quickly reported that the school was in Dublin. McDonald said she would cancel a number of meetings as a result of her children being at home. “This is a worrying time for families and for the staff at the school,” McDonald said. “Particularly for the family of the person affected, and we wish them a very, very speedy recovery.” Credit: Sinn Fein via Storyful

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