Fire Breaks Out Near Paris’s Gare de Lyon Amid Protests Over Congolese Singer’s Show

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Police were evacuating the Gare de Lyon railway station in Paris, France, after disturbances and fires were reported in the area on February 28, according to police. Local media reported that police closed the nearby Bercy metro station in light of Congolese singer Fally Ipupa’s concert at the nearby AccordHotels Arena on Friday. Police said they feared “disturbances of public order.” Congolese activists have been known to protest the artist, claiming he is close to the country’s government, according to reports. Another Ipupa concert in Paris was also canceled in 2017 due to risk of disturbances and protests. Police later said firefighters had contained the blaze but rescues were still in progress. It’s unclear how the fire started. This video, filmed by Simon De Mytt, shows flames and black smoke billowing from the area. Credit: Simon De Mytt via Storyful

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