If Idlib falls to Assad, it will not just be Syrians who pay the price Labib al Nahhas

أكثر من ٤ سنوات فى The guardian

The humanitarian disaster in Idlib would also create a new refugee crisis for Europe
The Syrian province of Idlib is under relentless attack from the forces of Bashar al-Assad and his Russian and Iranian allies. There are more than three million people in the region, many of whom have already been displaced several times from elsewhere in Syria.
The enclave is subject to the Sochi agreement between Russia and Turkey, which was supposed to create a de-escalation zone to protect civilians from violence. However, in the past 12 months, Assad’s forces, backed by Russian aviation and mercenaries, as well as Iranian sectarian militias and Hezbollah, have launched a campaign against Idlib – it has been intensifying since December and is close to coming to a disastrous conclusion. Continue reading...

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