The only way to a Labour victory may be a pact with the Lib Dems Polly Toynbee

over 4 years in The guardian

Tony Blair has called for a new progressive alliance. A merger is for the birds, but the party should listen to him
The Labour leadership vote is at last under way. Let no future contest hold such a purgatory of hustings, forcing candidates to say something new every day: Lisa Nandy and Rebecca Long-Bailey fell into the trans thorn bushes, while Keir Starmer may have overpromised.
Outsiders, puzzled by the contenders’ misleadingly similar pitches, should remember what a peculiar electorate they are addressing. Belonging to a party is a niche hobby: the tiny electorate of white male shire Brexiteers who chose Boris Johnson were the oddest. But YouGov revealed Labour members’ eccentricities. Asked for their most admired leaders, Corbyn topped the poll at 71%, with Tony Blair, their three times victor, trailing at 37%. When Rebecca Long-Bailey awarded Corbyn 10 out of 10 for leadership, she knew her voters. Continue reading...

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