Ian McEwan perfectly expresses our feelings on Brexit Letters

over 4 years in The guardian

Readers reflect on an article by the novelist that sums up their emotions on Britain leaving the EU
Many thanks to Ian McEwan for expressing so succinctly my own feelings about Brexit (Brexit, the most pointless, masochistic ambition in our country’s history, is done, 1 February). He has managed to encapsulate the bewilderment, hurt, sadness and anger felt by me and millions of others. The sense of outrage at the lies, deviousness and hypocrisy is difficult to express without sounding bitter and curmudgeonly. McEwan’s article is neither.
As a musician and piano teacher, my whole life has been immersed, surrounded and expressive of European culture, not to the exclusion or appreciation of other cultures, but as something that is a part of my inner being, to be treasured and nurtured and passed on through my teaching to the next generation. I am a European, who happens to be British.David DearLiverpool Continue reading...

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