Labour leadership Thornberry gives Corbyn '0 out of 10' for election, but '10 out of 10' for principle live news

over 4 years in The guardian

Rolling coverage of the day’s political developments as they happen

Barry Gardiner shocks Labour with hint he may run for leadership
Thornberry: Corbyn aides dismissed attacks against Israeli civilians

12.45pm GMT
Jack McConnell, the former Labour Scottish first minister, is backing Lisa Nandy for Labour leader, the Scotsman’s Paris Gourtsoyannis reports.
NEW: Lord Jack McConnell reveals he is backing Lisa Nandy and calls on MPs to make sure she makes it onto the ballot. He hasn't made an endorsement in a leadership election in 13 years
12.41pm GMT
The Labour leadership candidate Jess Phillips has posted this response on Twitter to Clive Lewis’s article in the Nation saying Scottish Labour should be free to back independence. (See 9.18am.)
I care as much about kids in Glasgow as I do my own kids in Birmingham. We should be talking about things that actually matter to them: the SNP's education crisis & rising waiting times. (1/2)
There are no circumstance where I think it would be better for Scotland to leave the UK. (2/2) Continue reading...

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