Dominic Cummings' war on Whitehall won't put public services back on their feet Jane Dudman

over 4 years in The guardian

Zeal for sweeping civil service change rings hollow when what really matters is getting money to a cash-starved public sector
Sabre-rattling worthy of Lord Palmerston is well and truly under way this new year, with civil servants being warned they are “woefully unprepared” for the true scale of change about to descend on public services.
Boris Johnson adviser Rachel Wolf says the prime minister can’t deliver his election manifesto promises, which she helped write, without changing how government operates. “Downing Street wants to run the most dynamic state in the world,” she writes. “One that gathers the brightest minds to deliver in new agencies focused on innovation, solving the productivity puzzle, and transforming swathes of the country.” To do this, delivery and the “capacity for transformation” need to change. Continue reading...

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