Labour has no hope of rebuilding unless it breaks the cold grip of the hard left Andrew Rawnsley

over 4 years in The guardian

After the crushing election defeat, it is not just Jeremy Corbyn who has to go. It must mean the end of Corbynism
For some Labour people, there is one consolation to be found amidst the smoking ruin of the party’s devastating election defeat. Such a cataclysm surely has to mean the termination of the party’s fatal experiment with Corbynism.
Or does it? The Corbynites don’t think so. They show scant contrition for what they have inflicted on Labour and the many millions of people who depend on the party to protect and champion them. Nor are they displaying any willingness to relinquish their control. Quite the reverse. Jeremy Corbyn is squatting on as leader while John McDonnell tries to fix the succession for his protege, Rebecca Long Bailey. The senior apparatchiks of the Corbynite court continue to draw their salaries even as the party plans to sack blameless junior Labour staffers and its defeated MPs roar with rage. If Labour is to have any possibility of becoming a competitor for power at some point in the future, the party will first have to be prised from the cold grip of the hard leftists who have controlled its commanding heights for nearly five years. Continue reading...

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