نبذة عن حياة البروفسور حسان دياب‎

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البروفسور حسان دياب
من مواليد بيروت 1 حزيران 1959. متزوج من نوار رضوان المولوي وله ثلاثة أولاد، بنت وولدان.
دكتور في هندسه الكمبيوتر من جامعة باث في إنجلترا. التحق بالجامعة الاميركية في بيروت في العام 1985 وشغل منصب نائب الرئيس للبرامج الخارجية الاقليمية لمدة 13 عاما. عُين وزيراً للتربية والتعليم العالي في حكومة الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي في العام 2011. لديه أكثر من 150 منشوراً في مجلات ومؤتمرات التحكيم دوليا. حصل على أكثر من 20 جائزة دراسية دولية وإقليمية. وقد شغل منصب العميد المؤسس لكلية الهندسة والرئيس المؤسس خلال 2004 -2006 في جامعة ظفار في عمان. وهو عضو مؤسس في الجمعية العربية لعلوم الكمبيوتر.
Hassan DiabVice President for Regional External ProgramsProfessor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hassan B. Diab holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Bath University in England. He joined the American University of Beirut (AUB) in 1985 and has served as Vice President for Regional External Programs for 13 years. Has served in 2011 for three years as Minister of Education & Higher Education. Has over 150 publications in internationally refereed journals and conferences. His research includes cryptography on high performance computer systems, reconfigurable computing, embedded systems, modeling and simulation of parallel processing systems, as well as system simulation using fuzzy logic control, and more recently, higher education in the MENA region and global issues in education. He chaired several conferences, and served as member on over 50 organizing committees of international conferences. Moreover, he served as Associate Editor or member of Advisory/Editorial Board on five international journals. He received over 20 international and regional awards and scholarships.He has served as Founding Dean of the College of Engineering and Founding President during 2004-2006 at Dhofar University. He is a Founding Member of the first Arab Computer Society established in 2001.

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