What links HMS Victory, Jude the Obscure and the Kray twins? The Weekend quiz

over 4 years in The guardian

From a bone to Burgundy, test your knowledge with the Weekend quiz
1 For whom did Johann Mälzel design ear trumpets?2 Which message superseded CQD?3 On television, who is Judith Sheindlin?4 What is unique about the neck’s hyoid bone?5 Which stream separated Cisalpine Gaul from Italy?6 What was English football’s first sponsor-named competition?7 Which Yorkshire city lost its railway station in the 1960s?8 Which animals are either two-toed or three-toed?What links:9 Minimoog; ARP Odyssey; Korg MS-20; Fairlight CMI?10 HMS Victory; Jude The Obscure; Kray twins?11 Viti Levu; Vanua Levu; Taveuni; Kadavu?12 1781 (7); 1846 (8); 1930 (9); 2006 (8 again)?13 Donna Tartt; Bret Easton Ellis; Jonathan Lethem; Brix Smith Start?14 England; France; Lombardy; Andalusia; Burgundy?15 Siya Kolisi; John Smit; Francois Pienaar? Continue reading...

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