Don't stop believin' Johnson and Gove revive Vote Leave double act John Crace

أكثر من ٤ سنوات فى The guardian

The Govester shrilled ‘get Brexit done’ as frontman Johnson rambled incoherently, as he does these days
It was billed as the great Vote Leave reunion tour. Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Gisela Stuart back on stage together. A chance to forget the chaos of the last three years and hark back to simpler, more joyous times when all you had to do was promise the Earth in front of a bus with a £350m lie on its side. The untruth would set us free. All we had to do was believe hard enough.
Flashback to the last time Gove and Johnson shared an election platform together: it was the morning after the referendum and the pair were due to give what most imagined was to be a celebratory press conference. Except both men looked as if they had been up all night on a bad acid trip and had just come down to find out they had murdered a close friend. Both men looked washed out and shell-shocked. They had never expected to win. They had never intended to win. It had all just been a big game. Now they were expected to deliver Brexit. And it was clear to everyone, they didn’t have a clue how. Continue reading...

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