Dom Tzu can relax as Johnson redeploys the art of lying John Crace

over 4 years in The guardian

The Great Pretender is back doing what he does best
Even Dominic Cummings had to admit that the Tory election campaign hadn’t got off to the best of starts. The Art of War was all very well, but you could take “doing what your opponents least expect” too far. Jacob Rees-Mogg saying the Grenfell residents lacked the common sense to save their own lives had been a masterstroke. As had Sajid Javid being prevented from publishing costings of Labour promises on the grounds the Tories hadn’t a clue how to cost their own.
Classic Dom could also just about live with James “Amateur Hour” Cleverly failing the nominative determinism test by crashing and burning during a series of media interviews about the misleadingly edited Keir Starmer video. But even he had had to concede that Welsh secretary, Alun Cairns, who had been lined up as point man for the Tory campaign in Wales, having to resign over allegations that he had known a former aide had deliberately sabotaged a rape trial, was not a great look. At the current rate of ministerial attrition, the Conservatives would have to wheel out Chris Grayling by the end of the week. Or possibly even Priti Patel. Continue reading...

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