Thurston Moore ‘I was a nerd and a dork at school’

over 4 years in The guardian

The musician, 61, talks about hanging out in record stores, meeting his heroes and why he wants to write a 24-hour song
I was not a cool guy at school. I was always the tallest, skinniest kid. I was a nerd and a dork. The cool guys were into sports. I did geeky things like read books and look in the Captain Beefheart section of the record store. That’s how I got into playing music in New York, making friends with another geek who was hanging around the Velvet Underground bin in the record store.
I live in Stoke Newington. When I first came here in the 80s, it wasn’t hipster at all. Now it’s all wholefoods and prams. London reminds me of 80s and 90s New York, with all these different lifestyles. It’s a lot safer than the USA, with its gun culture. I don’t see myself leaving any time soon, unless Boris Johnson boots me out. Continue reading...

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