Brexit Amber Rudd says Boris Johnson's language 'does incite violence' – live news

over 4 years in The guardian

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12.20pm BST
The former cabinet minister Amber Rudd has accused Boris Johnson of inciting violence.
She told the Evening Standard:
The sort of language I’m afraid we’ve seen more and more of coming out from No 10 does incite violence. It’s the sort of language people think legitimises a more aggressive approach and sometimes violence.
12.14pm BST
From PA Media, on John Major’s comments:
Downing Street says it does not “recognise” fears flagged by Sir John Major that Boris Johnson could circumvent the Benn Act.
I’m sure that the fact these comments were going to be made came as a surprise to everyone because it is simply not something that we recognise.
It is absolute nonsense and (I have) absolutely no idea where he has got it from. Total cobblers. We will not use it [order of council].
You will really have to ask him where he has got these from because it is a mystery to all involved. Continue reading...

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