Kavanaugh should never have been appointed. Impeachment is our only hope Moira Donegan

almost 5 years in The guardian

In a just world, this man would never have been appointed to the court. The best we can hope for now is his impeachment
It seems even more likely than it did before that US supreme court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is indeed a serial sexual assaulter. New revelations about the multiply accused Kavanaugh’s time at Yale that were released this weekend by two New York Times reporters, Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelley, and the reporting corroborates an accusation made by Deborah Ramirez, Kavanaugh’s old undergraduate classmate from Yale. It suggests that Kavanaugh likely lied about the incident under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and makes it apparent that the FBI investigation that was hastily commissioned to investigate a series of accusations against the then-nominee ignored evidence and turned away many people with information that supported the claims of his accusers.
Before Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Ramirez told the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow that the judge got drunk and shoved his penis into her face at a dorm party when the two were in college. The accusation from Ramirez drew public attention at the time in part because it fit the same pattern as the incident described by California psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford, who gave a moving testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee during Kavanaugh’s confirmation process in which she claimed that the judge, then very drunk, held her down and attempted to rape her at a party while the two were in high school. Continue reading...

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