An alliance between progressive parties would be fragile, but it could win an election Zoe Williams

over 4 years in The guardian

Together, Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the Greens, Plaid and the SNP could oust the Tories. It’s worth striving for
A general election is now more or less certain, the only remaining question is, “How soon?” We know where we want to go but we’d rather not be starting from here. If the aim is not just to deny Boris Johnson a majority, but to get rid of the Conservatives as the party of government altogether, the best scenario would be Labour polling high, having created a solid anti-Brexit, anti-hard right, anti-austerity tripod.
That hasn’t happened, but a progressive alliance is still more than capable of having a decisive impact. Nigel Farage says a pact between his Brexit party and the Tories would make them “unstoppable”. Yet the focus on Johnson’s ability to ally with Farage is misplaced. The Conservatives and the Brexit party will certainly pull together; the only unknown is how many core Tory values the prime minister is prepared to traduce to get there, which is hardly unknown at all. Continue reading...

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