Bumbling Boris's speech at police academy was classic Dom John Crace

almost 5 years in The guardian

The Clown Prince dies on his feet, not in a ditch, after keeping the recruits waiting over an hour
These are the days of miracle and wonder. The country just laughed when Theresa May promised “strong and stable” leadership. Now it’s beginning to wonder if she might not have had a point. Classic Dom.
Boris Johnson’s speech at a police academy in Wakefield was the shitshow to end all shitshows. It made his dystopian performances at the dispatch box over the previous two days look like models of sanity and coherence. Even May’s P45, loss of voice and collapsing scenery at the Tory party conference weren’t as excruciating to watch as this. The Clown Prince completely out of his head. Acid? Heroin? Cocaine? Or a cocktail of all three? If the UK is to be a failed state, it has found its ideal leader. Classic Dom. Continue reading...

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