Jeremy Corbyn uses speech to argue problems facing Britain 'run much deeper' than Brexit live news

almost 5 years in The guardian

Rolling coverage of the day’s political developments as they happen, including Jeremy Corbyn’s speech on Labour’s vision for Britain
11.02am BST
Jeremy Corbyn will be delivering his speech on Labour’s vision for Britain in Corby shortly. There will be a live feed at the top of this blog.
Here are some of the main points he will be making, based on extracts released by Labour overnight.
While Brexit is the framework of the crisis we face, the problems facing our country run much deeper. A general election triggered by the Tory Brexit crisis will be a crossroads for our country. It will be a once-in-a-generation chance for a real change of direction, potentially on the scale of 1945 or 1979. Things cannot go on as they were before.
The Conservatives, and the wealthy establishment they represent, have failed our country. They have failed to protect living standards, savaged our public services, deepened inequality and failed to keep us safe. Boris Johnson and his hard right Tory cabinet have direct responsibility for the Tory decade of devastating damage done to our communities and the fabric of our society.
The Tories have lurched to the hard right under Boris Johnson, Britain’s Trump, the fake populist and phoney outsider, funded by the hedge funds and bankers, committed to protecting the vested interests of the richest and the elites, while posing as anti-establishment.
The Tories under Boris Johnson cannot be trusted to deliver on their quick fix election promises - because their first priority is tax cuts for the big corporations and the richest. Boris Johnson and the Tories can’t be trusted to deliver for the majority because they will always look after their own. Instead of fixing a failed system, they will turbocharge its inequalities, insecurities and climate destruction.
Labour can be trusted to deliver: to end austerity, to take on the elites and the vested interests holding people back, and to transform our country for the many, not the few.
The Conservative party’s failure on Brexit, and its lurch to the hard right, has provoked the crisis our country faces this autumn. After failing to negotiate a Brexit deal that would protect jobs and living standards, Boris Johnson’s Tories are driving the country towards a no-deal cliff edge.
We will do everything necessary to stop a disastrous no deal, for which this government has no mandate. Boris Johnson’s government wants to use no deal to create a tax haven for the super-rich on the shores of Europe and sign a sweetheart trade deal with Donald Trump: not so much a no deal Brexit as a Trump deal Brexit.
Labour believes the decision on how to resolve the Brexit crisis must go back to the people. And if there is a general election this autumn, Labour would commit to holding a public vote, to give voters the final say, with credible options for both sides, including the option to remain.
10.08am BST
Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, says that, like John McDonnell, should would also personally campaign for remain in any second referendum.
Great interview by @johnmcdonnellMP on Brexit. He says when there is a Brexit referendum he will campaign for remain. So will I #BrexitShambles Continue reading...

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