Robert F. Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy

Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968) was an American politician and lawyer from Massachusetts. He served as the United States junior senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968. He was previously the 64th U.S. Attorney General from January 1961 to September 1964, serving under his older brother President John F. Kennedy and his successor, President Lyndon B. Johnson. Kennedy was a member of the Democratic Party, and is seen as an icon of modern American liberalism. Wikipedia

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Dear Editor I’m 65. As a result of my age, I’ve lived long enough to witness many, many horrific, callous and evil events in “the land of the free”. I’ve been alive to witness the assassinations of John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert F Kennedy, Malcom X, etc. The first among so many to follow; a senseless mass shooting by Charles Whitman, the man who rained down terror from atop the the University of Texas clock tower in 1966, murdering 17 and wounding 31 people in 96 minutes using a Remington 700 bolt action hunting rifle. 1984 I vividly remember this due to the number of children killed. At that time, it was the first, but sadly, nowhere near the last, involving children and seemingly the beginning of the race for high speed horror. Using an Uzi as his primary weapon, James Huberty murdered 21 and wounded 19 at a McDonald’s, in San Ysidro, CA, many of which were young children in 77 minutes as he walked through the restaurant seeking out those hiding under tables and behind counters. 1986 Patrick Sherrill murdered 14 co workers at the U.S. Post Office in Edmond, Oklahoma in 20 minutes using a .45 caliber handgun. Several other post offices around the nation were the scenes of similar shootings by postal workers, giving rise to a euphemism “going postal”. 1991 At a “Luby’s Cafeteria” in Kileen, TX, George Hennard murdered 24 and wounded 27 in 12 minutes using two semi automatic handguns. His reason? “He hated women and ethnic minorities”. 1999 In a race to outperform the previous in the United States, Columbine High School in Colorado, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered 12 and wounded 20 in little more than sixteen minutes. 2007 Virginia Tech 33 dead and 17 wounded in 68 minutes by Seung Hui Cho, using two 1966semi automatic handguns, in dorms, classes and hallways. 2009 Fort Hood, TX, Nidal Hasan killed 13 and 33 wounded, again using two handguns; an F N 57 semi automatic handgun and a .357 revolver in about 10 minutes. July 2012 James Holmes killed 12 and injured 70 in less than 10 minutes using a Smith and Wesson M&P15 with a 100 round drum magazine attached. Holmes also fired a .40 caliber handgun, the projectile passing through the wall and into the adjacent theater, injuring three more. December 2012 The unspeakable happens! In little over 5 minutes at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, 20 children were among the 26 murdered by Adam Lanza using a Bushmaster XM 15 semi automatic military style rifle. 2016 Orlando, FL Omar Mateen, using a Sig Sauer MCX semi automatic military style rifle claimed the new record with 49 murdered and 58 wounded in a killing spree at a night club in approximately 15 in the night club before contacting police himself to make demands in exchange for hostages. And now, this past weekend, on October 1, 2017, an event that has topped them all, in severity, speed, and absolute devastation. Seemingly lacking any motive, Stephen Paddock gunned down at least 574 people, killing at least 58 and wounding 515 attending a festival. I’ve named but 11 mass shootings in my lifetime, but if you’re at all concerned, or just interested in some frightening statistics, go to to find some very disturbing facts, beginning with the same mass shooting I began this letter with the University of Texas mass murder of August 1, 1966. That’s little over 51 years of mass shootings, looking at only the most deadly of mass shootings. Remember though; a mass shooting, as defined by the FBI, is a single incident that involves 4 or more people in one event. Given that definition, the United States is home to A MASS SHOOTING ALMOST EVERY DAY. Very noteworthy too, using these 11 mass shooting incidents alone and due to the access to rapid fire military style weaponry and high capacity magazines, the United States has gone from 17 casualties per minute to 106 per minute. Something has gone very wrong in this nation and, although both houses of the U.S. Congress have the power and the means to at least slow this epidemic down, they instead, prefer not to ruffle the feathers of the firearms manufacturer’s lobbyist, the NRA, and their most fanatic supporters. I understand their plates are full with extraordinarily vital issues, such as who should and should not stand or kneel during the national anthem, how much they should give themselves in the way of pay increases and personal benefits, satisfying their contributors and stealing from the tax payers by over improper use of transportation, in many cases, for personal use and “tweeting” their personal feelings 10 or 12 times a day. But; somewhere in that busy schedule, one would think they could at least squeeze in some of the minor issues like; protecting the citizens of the United States (including from gun manufacturers selling completely unnecessary, but incredibly deadly firearms), providing a manageable health care and repairing the damages caused to our alliances over the past 8 months. Bob Conner Henderson, Nevada 89015 702.534.6600
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