Ed White

Ed White

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Edward Higgins White II (November 14, 1930 – January 27, 1967) was an American aeronautical engineer, United States Air Force officer, test pilot, and NASA astronaut. He was a member of the crews of Gemini 4 and Apollo 1. Wikipedia

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My husband and I were at the Phoenix protest last night. Although I got heat exhaustion from standing in 106 degree plus weather for hours, I am glad I stood against Trump at this time in history. I was encouraged by the peaceful mix of good people standing beside me through it all. Yes, there were a very few antifa clad in black, but it one of the loveliest crowds I have ever seen young and old, all colors, respectful to one another with thoughtful signs about refugees, the Russian investigation, racism, Trump's defects, love, and even advocating reading! I stood by a Native American, a Hispanic gentleman, middle and older aged white couples like us, enthusiastic young people, and a very quiet woman with a picture of Heather, the young lady killed at Charlottesville. While I suspect some around me were more "left" than me, they were mostly good people without labels, simply tired of the Trumpian insanity. I was saddened by the Trump crowd. In the Mexican restaurant before the events, they were loud and too proud, and mostly interested in a party. As they filed by me hour after hour on their way to hear their leader, I honestly saw a uniformity that contrasted with the multitude in which I stood, a sameness of "deer in the headlights" look, color, socio economic status, cultish immaturity. All clad in red, white and blue; proud to be American and for freedom; no idea what that means except to blindly follow a narcissist billionaire into the land of the common man. And then there were the police. I offer this bad video for a reason. You cannot see the thousands behind me I was in the very front, against the barricade but you can see the police on the Trump side as the speech attendees trickle past. Look in the window, at the massive, full gear, police presence. This is the exact location where, later, the cops fired tear gas and such at my crowd, claiming a response to a water bottle throw. First, by the time a water bottle would get across that street, it would not hurt a fly. Second, the police were so protected by shields and such, nothing could hurt them. When all you have is a hammer (or military gear), everything looks like a nail (or the enemy)...and they overreacted. I am not an anarchist, but a minarchist. I am not left or right, but in favor of liberty and equal rights for all. But, in the end, I am much more afraid of the Trumpian cultists and those cops, than I am of those who protested, even with a few water bottle throwing antifa in the mix. May the gods help us, and, as my husband's sign said Mr. Mueller, please hurry.
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