Daniel Ortega

Daniel Ortega

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José Daniel Ortega Saavedra (; born 11 November 1945) is a Nicaraguan politician and the 58th president of Nicaragua since 2007. Previously, he was leader of Nicaragua from 1979 to 1990, first as Coordinator of the Junta of National Reconstruction from 1979 to 1985, and then as the 54th President from 1985 to 1990. During his first term, he implemented policies to achieve leftist reforms across Nicaragua. In later years, Ortega's left-wing radical politics cooled significantly, leading him to pursue pro-business policies and even rapprochement with the Catholic Church. However, in 2022, Ortega resumed repression of the Church, and has imprisoned prelate Rolando José Álvarez Lagos. <!--Source has a POV (anti-Ortega), but comes from a reliable publication (Foreign Affairs), and is here used to provide reference for facts which are not contested e.g. Ortega's move towards Catholicism--> Wikipedia

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